Product reviews
Antarctic shrimp, also known as krill, scientific name: Krill Biology, the body is rich in protein, Fatty acids and astaxanthin can fully provide fish Nutrients needed for growth and promote blood circulation And balance the hormones in fish to enhance immunity, Especially suitable for feeding large size and need to add color Fish. This shrimp is also rich in vitamins Life e, in addition, to help prevent fatty acids, leaves
The red pigment is oxidized in the fish body and strengthens the fish
Disease resistance; is rich in powerful
The enzymes, thereby improving the digestive ability of the fish,
Increase the appetite for fish. Mainly feed fish:
Dragonfish, blood parrot, flower Arhat, sea fish.
Feed 2-3 times a day, the remaining feed
Clean up so as not to spoil the water quality.
Medium and large self-installation
Shelf life: 12 months
Red pigment, and contains
Multivitamin 60% crude protein, rich in shrimp
Crude fat 8%
Coarse ash 6%
Vegetarian, you love to fish
Crude fiber 10%
Enhance health.
6% charge.